Monday, June 8, 2009

What goes up must come down.
What goes around comes around.
What goes quack quack bonk?

What a wicked web we weave.... right?  Why is it one of the most important rules in human society to refrain from deception?  If we simply tell the truth and stick to it, what is the worst that could happen.  The trust involved in sharing the intimate or essential details about a person's life could be that person's downfall.  But how far is down?  If the ladder is set so high against a building, and a person has ascended so many steps only to find the ladder is leaning against the wrong building, what can be done?  When do we first practice to deceive?  Is there some thrill to it?  Do you remember the first time you lied?  Who did you lie to?  What was the lie?  Why remember a lie anyway, if it was never true to begin with.  On this roaring road, quickly constructed, hastily assembled, can we find a wide enough area to turn around?  A Stairway to Heaven like warning about two roads only makes me remember a true word I heard once, that between the two roads lies a third.  The two are the most obvious, and so many people dread spreading themselves thin by trying to tread both.  
Lying in the way along
 I heard a whistle song
Up to arms and gear
Fortunate to hear
That more than two
a bitter few
Can coast a merry way.
Happiness cloaked in 
Outer garment rags,
seeing unseen lines 
guiding me through the day.
Not quite calculus, nor 
rambling bus, boring drudgery.
But subtle as the sunrise,
Hiden birds announce the darkness gloom
bid adieu.
And Haste the quickening morn.  Reborn with thought anew to plan an afterthought.  This too quick life has taught that between the two is a true, tight fit, with no room for baggage, empty handed grasping for puffs of air lighter than heat, as strong as feet.  A hold up, somehow seeing this, not that nor the other, but a third way lightly seen.  Not a lie but truth of truth, no man's invention but image borne brought here by fire and water, borne of light, and before all things, the thin blade slicing through shroud and day, cloud and bay, fish and fowl.  Let's not try for the sun, nor the moon, but point the craft to land just beyond yonder stars.  My harbor lies yonder, and I'm eager to greet the dawn treader, knowing what's on my mind is a saved memory thanks to that third path that few deem acceptable truth, way, life.

The first two are true, right.  The third sentence, what in the world is that?

Monday, April 27, 2009

getting there is 1/2 the fun

Inspector Gadget's theme song has no lyrics.
Transformers theme song was written by the same songster.
The Smurfs were a Spanish creation.
TheTourWaterCooler 026
Half the motivation for perfecting a post is finding that perfect photo, the right medium to enhance this post Shakesperian pentameter.  I'm 1/2 tempted to photo my self typing this page, wouldn't that be Escheresque; or I could wait till tomorrow and have someone photo me walking a narrow path, arms outstreached to maintain balance, dignity and form like the comely trees.  However, Why should this focus so much on me.  Oh, I know you love me, in spite of all my flaws, and sure I left you high and dry up there in the Rockies or Andes or whatever hills you find yourself in.  But c'mon, you'll get along fine without me, and hey, I'm sure you'd actually like to be here too, right?  Be truthful, you're jealous, and secretly inwardly you're craving this experience.  Okay, I've gone too far, there's no going back now.  I cannot turn this ship around and insert some serious high minded societal critique.  Just stop reading, I'll stop typing, and I'll try to find some silly photograph to insert.  But seriously (as if I could get serious at this juncture), there was only one man in the Garden, ya know?  How slow and dull was that compared to bustling hustlers out here on the main?  These towers are taller than trees, each of them filled to the brim with little Adam replicas.  I've really been thinking, to tell you the truth, about food.  Remember how they ate the apple?  Remember how later they craved leeks and melons?  Samson and Jonathan both had a weakness for honey.  We've all gotta eat.  But what is it about 40 day and nights that starves that craving?  Flesh counts for nothing means something... Something that can't be learned in a garden.  Switching from petrol to rocket fuel is taking a while, but I'll get off this rock sooner or later, just wait and see.  You know the weird thing about vampires?  Especially in the 19th century version, the assistant turned lunatic kept saying, "The blood is the life."  There's truth to that.  It's in Leviticus 17.   And I think that when we turned away from savoring the eternal Bread, we began to eat each other (spiritually speaking), which is what evil spirits do, too.  If we insist on this, like Paul in Galatians says, we'll just devour each other up.   A mad scientist should always experiment on himself first before trying it on others.  So my hypothesis is that we need more than bread for life.  We need words that will never pass away.  My initial contest is to spend less "me time", less time with "friends", and more time with someone closer than a brother.  I'll let you know how it works out.
I'm really going out on a limb here.  I.G.'s lyrics are "do do do do do, Inspector Gadget.... Go, Gadget, Go!"  I'm lying about the authorship of the two songs, I really don't know.  And as far as I know, Smurfs creator's name is Payayo or something like that, so maybe he is from Spain : ?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

For the joy set before him

Been Caught Lying
With mine hip forsaken, it crosses the line,
a mad dash to finish first.
Upset the battle within to spurn
a thousand shards of twisted scar.
I am the nail, and none can snatch from Your hand.
Belated Eternity, mops your brow,
sweaty moans in pains understood;
My mother relates, but is not related.
Unless, like a criminal's last breath,
Acknowledge justice's wrath,
and share with me
this broken cup.
Why this course such a challenge to my fragile pride.  First point:  Inside I am torn between silent attention and clamourous cacaphony.  More time to study would be a perfect excuse to avoid the daily tongue in ear dance.  More exposure to tongue lashing would only remind me of the precious time needed in solutidinal study.  There's more to life than finding balance, but I'm becoming mentally imbalanced trying to hear what they say, and saying what they need to hear.  Second point:  I just need to relax a little.  "Calgon, take me away!"  
Today's 2taal is really just a matter of word displacement, and any dislexic unfortunate enough to amble through these ramblings might not win immediate I.Q. points upon finding said slip up. 
1.  Traditionally, insanity or madness is the behavior whereby a person flouts societal norms and may become a danger to themselves and others.
2.  "Deaf and dumb" (or even just "dumb", when applied to deaf people who do not speak) is an fairly recent term that is generally considered inoffensive.
3.  Culture shock isn't a clinical term or medical condition. It's simply a common way to describe the confusing and nervous feelings a person may have after leaving a familiar culture to live in a new and different culture.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


1:  I bought and used my first cell phone only 3 months ago.
2:  I've never bought my own computer.
3:  I still have no real use for all these gizmos.
Check it out, so cool!  The screen flips around, it's only got 3 buttons, it doesn't make a bulge or weigh too much; who thinks up these things?  I was waiting for the in-skull head-set with fingertip-identification function.  I've seen too many science fiction movies to settle for anything less than a built in credit-card in my hand and wi-fi capability for my head.  But for now I have made the plunge.  Credit card was a must for on-line shopping.  Cell phone has just become plain necessary.  But why the i-Touch, you ask?  I was actually kicking myself for not getting an iphone in the states - I love that all in one stuff (camera, phone, PDA, mp4, WWW), but thinking about it, what if I lose this very precious doo-dad?  It might be better to just have separate machines according to their various functions; a more democratic approach to technology, though in my heart I am a staunch monarchist.  But the question remains, "Why have all these gizmos?  Does anyone really boast about their lives improvement, souls satisfied with silicon's savory skills?  Of course not!  Oh, shy and timid soul, surfing wireless waves, look out yonder window and ponder the generations gone by.  Did they not feast upon life, making the most of dirt, wind, heat and cold, market smells and sounds, dinner tables, roadways, stares, grimaces, sighs, wanderings and wailing.  Why then, settle for this dim light?  I'm not addressing you, dear wonder, who only rides this mad horse to catch distance friends posts.  I'm addressing our own fear that place drives us, blind, deaf, and dumb in cryptic cyber cipher.  Be that as it may, this little doo hickey is so cool!  I'll post again when the glimmer fades.
The third is more an opinion than fact (but it's true).  The second is true.  The first is false (I bought a cell 8 years ago, used it for 2 weeks, and returned it for a full refund).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Safer in the Gym

Safer in the Gym
Originally uploaded by HiHoSilverAway
1..... Exercicio es muy mal para el cuerpo.
2..... Beber mucho cafe es mal para el cuerpo.
3..... Montar bicicleta en la calle es peligroso!
So this is me working up an appetite before lunch. Don't get the impression that this is me all the time, because it's not. Oh no! I'm very busy doing all kinds of things all day, believe you me. First thing in the morning, I have coffee and oatmeal with a banana and peanut butter. Then I devote a little time. Brush teeth, grab wallet, books, and I hop down the stairs to class. Then I listen, absorb, challenge and change my brain waves to become attuned with my immediate surroundings, it's all very scientific. Then, to top it off, I hop on my bike (a lot of hopping so far) and pedal up to the ol' gym. And it really is an old gym, none of this 24 hours stuff, oh no! Then after my tummy turns and I'm feeling weak and dizzy, I stumble out (notice, no hopping here) to pedal around to the cafeteria for a delightful delectable assortment of varied veggies and meat stuffs. It gets a little hazy after that. Some days I walk around to the shops (notice, no biking involved), to talk to the shopkeepers, or ask strangers for directions or ride a bus for a couple stops, seeing who I can aquest (is that a word?) When 2 rolls around I must, oh, I must, return to class, but only certain days. So back to the bike (I promise a video of a real bike ride), and sit at a desk til four, at which point I head out for food again. Okay, by now you're wondering if you haven't already asked yourself, but with whom speaketh I? I will tell thee; florists, taxi and bus drivers, students, street sweepers, random strollers and stragglers, restaurant attendees, indeed, any and all who might venture to meet with my meek and lowly presence. And believe me, I'm pretty meek and low right now, what will little or no serious language acquisition, it seriously must be like talking to a two year old. Hopefully it won't depend on my wisdom but on Someone's seeming foolishness. Exercise yourself to _______, for physical exercise is of some value, butt _________ exercise is good for this life and ______ ____________.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Breakfast of More than Conquerors

3.  I have never had coffee from Starbucks.
2.  My favorite coffee has come from machines.
1.  I like to munch on coffee beans at the grocery store.
Cafe 010
New fruit makes a perfect juice,
a better sweet promise believe,
poured by grace in sin's old skin,
Dead Adam, begins to stretch and leak.
Power has left me he sometime said,
That bent woman's blood suddenly ceased.
That night with agony wrestled,
Sweet mourning, whine darkened eyes,
Stretching the cracked sack of flesh
in great trouble, doubled with agony.
a message strong enough with might.
To remind his strength continue on,
wrestling the terrors within and without,
His whining forces stronger became
and great drops thick as blood
Fell falling to the earth.
His followers slept to the ground,
drunk with fear and warned.  He kept on
Grappled foul with darkened powers,
His brow feeling wrath's weight,
surrounding devil's mighty bands
their force and malice excercised all
to chase and hound his distracted soul,
wounded he prayed more earnestly
with stronger cries and tears and sweat
in such cold night, his brow bubbled
thick, gruesome drops, even falling, groaned.
Arising the sun, and crowed a cock, lifted eyes,
they lifted his skin above the crowd
and earth shifted, sky dark grew
and pierced his rib, the sack spewed dark
and light upon the rebel race.
Unless you eat this broken bread 
and drink this strange alien work,
you have no life, but dank rotting gut
old juice forbidden and death.
But this bread and cup he gives anew
fresh and lively bursting both
the gardens and wilds where we have
Slain container, the spirit anew
refreshes the face and earth supple
gives again what we cannot 
Who on this planet has not had Starbucks, really.  Of course I have.  But I do prefer the machine (powder, syrup, I dunno, I just like it).  And yes, the cashier has told me I had grounds in my smile.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I can play the piano.
I can play the guitar.
I can play the violin.

Tucked away in a storage garage somewhere is a man's workshop.  He spends the day with small saws, clamps, and very brittle wood.  The wood needs to be cut, shaped, formed, and polished.  The man works for a businessman who scolds him if he comes in late.  The businessman takes the violin to his store front where practicing musicians come.  Some tunes are very famous, classics.  Others just scale major and minor appeggios.  I wish I could play better.  I do play.  When I play I struggle sometimes with a warbly voice, cold fingers, off tempo.  I just give up sometimes.  Really, I would like to just play pretty.  But I play for someone who loves to listen to the soul of the song.  That keeps me smiling when I play.  I don't know who made my instrument, I don't know where it was bought.  I know who hears me when I play it.CarShopping 001
I've tried, but can't play the violin.